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Tia Nicol

Tia Nicol

Tia Nicol

I am so honoured to have been awarded this scholarship this year. When I received the news my first words were “wow!” I was so excited and filled with appreciation. Growing up on Haida Gwaii has been a privilege and an honour, there have been so many incredible and varied opportunities afforded to me. Receiving this scholarship has been an absolute life changing moment for me, it will allow me to really focus on my studies and pursue my passion for medicine. 

In the fall, I will be attending SFU for the next 4 years, working towards an undergrad in Health Sciences BSC. Once I have received my undergrad degree, I will be applying to medical school and ultimately specializing in paediatrics. Upon completion of my education I would like to return to Haida Gwaii and fulfill a much needed role as a paediatrician/general practitioner on the island. 

I would like to give thanks to the Scholarship Foundation of the Pacific for their generosity in awarding me this opportunity. I will do absolutely everything in my power to represent this scholarship, the island and my community. With pride, respect and integrity.

I am forever grateful, thank you! 


Tia Nicol