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Thea Borserio


My time in Hawaii was an amazing experience, one for which I cannot thank the Fernandez Earle Scholarship enough. The chance to study biology at one of the most culturally diverse universities in the world is truly a privilege. I was exposed to many different cultures and types of people. I met and had the honour of working with many talented people who I would not have had the chance to know had it not been for the FESF. Hawaii holds a very special place in my heart and I have ties there that will last a lifetime as a result of my experience.

On May 13th, 2007 I graduated with Honors from Hawaii Pacific University. My goal is to go to Medical school, so I focused my four years at Hawaii Pacific University on shaping my bachelors degree to meet that criteria. My dreams of becoming a doctor seem to be becoming a reality thanks to all of you who contribute to the FESF so generously every year. It is your good work and donations that make this possible for students like us, and we are forever grateful.

I would like to thank the Kane Fernandez and Roger Earle Foundation for all their support and belief in my ability to succeed at Hawaii Pacific University. There were so many helping hands and supportive people along the way that insured that I had the best experience possible. Without them I would not be where I am today. Please accept a sincere and heartfelt thank you.